Old Dock Pilings, Tacoma, Washington, 2014
A black and white photograph of old dock pilings from the Dickman Mill on the Puget Sound, Ruston Way, Tacoma, Washington.
A black and white photograph of old dock pilings from the Dickman Mill on the Puget Sound, Ruston Way, Tacoma, Washington.
A black and white photograph of old dock pilings along the Puget Sound at Cummings Park in Tacoma, Washington.
A black and white fine art landscape photograph of the South end of Vashon Island and the Puget Sound as viewed from the Point Defiance Park in Tacoma, Washington.
A black and white landscape photograph of a sailboat anchored offshore of Port Townsend, Washington.
A black and white photograph of the rocky beach along Hood Canal at the Triton Cove State Park near Brinnon, Washington. The Kitsap Peninsula in the distance. Part of my Pacific Northwest black and white landscape photography series.
A black and white photograph of Hood Canal, Washington on a cloudy Summer day. Part of my Pacific Northwest black and white landscape photography series.
A black and white photograph of seastacks, Point Grenville and the Pacific Ocean as viewed from the beach along the Washington Coast.
A black and white, long exposure photograph of Hogum Bay at low tide on the Puget Sound. Thurston County, Washington. Part of my Pacific Northwest black and white seascape photography series.
In late January 2014, Western Washington experienced several days of foggy winter mornings. This series of black and white, long exposure images were taken among the old dock ruins on the Puget Sound, near Ruston Way in Tacoma, Washington.