A black and white landscape photograph a small clearing in the forest captured during a late Autumn walk through the Sonian Forest of Belgium.
Late Autumn Walk Through the Sonian Forest No. 22, Belgium, 2019

After a full day of hiking the Sonian Forest outside of Brussels, Belgium (approximately 12 miles), I was within an hour’s walk of reaching the city.

The morning started with temperatures below freezing (it was two weeks away from the first day of winter). Fog persisted throughout most of the day.

As I walked closer to the forest’s edge, more human activity was apparent through forest thinning.

These forest management practices leave behind more clearings and less dense vegetation.

Although not natural, they provide a less chaotic forest scene for landscape photography.

Such a scene was the location I made this photograph.

What caught my eye was the extended flat meadow area with sparse trees. A slight rise on either side bordered the meadow, with a higher density of trees. The opening in the forest allowed more light to illuminate the ground through the foggy skies.

This photo is number 22 of a series of 25 images taken within the Sonian Forest.

Thank you for reading and your continued support.


P.S.—I post frequent behind-the-scenes updates on Instagram – follow me @stevebisig

Photo Link: https://www.stevebisigphotography.com/warehouse/art_print_products/late-autumn-walk-through-the-sonian-forest-no-22-belgium-2019

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