“I have asked myself whether the short time given us would be better used in an attempt to understand the whole of the universe or to assimilate what is within our reach,” – Paul Cézanne.

These words of French painter Paul Cézannes resonate with my approach to photography.

The allure of capturing exotic landscapes is undeniable. Yet, the Pacific Northwest is unique with its dramatic peaks, coastlines, forests, and arid lands. The difficulty is not in the absence of greatness but in recognizing the extraordinary in the familiar.

Cézanne’s quote reminds me that profound beauty often lives close at hand. This translates into a deep understanding of the local environment. Instead of chasing distant vistas, I’d rather photograph near my home. I can find inspiration in a nearby mountain face, a tidal pool’s intricate patterns, or a local forest’s quiet resilience.

Black-and-white photography is the perfect medium for my explorations because it emphasizes light, shadow, and texture. Through the absence of color, I bring attention to the fundamental structures, patterns, and emotions that shape a place. The focus is on capturing the essence of a landscape and the stories embedded in its shape rather than aiming for a picture-perfect view.

This local focus fosters a deeper connection with the landscape I photograph. Through many visits, I witness the subtle variations in seasons, the changing light throughout the day, and the evolving stories. As I grow more acquainted with the diverse ecosystems of the Pacific Northwest, my emotional bond with them deepens.

The Pacific Northwest may not be the Serengeti or the Himalayas. Yet, the intricate details, ever-changing moods, and stories the wind carries through the trees contribute to its beauty. By focusing on what’s within reach, there is an endless discovery in my backyard.

One can uncover true greatness in the immense and captivating world by discovering the extraordinary in the ordinary. So, get outside, explore your local landscapes, and embark on your own odyssey. The potential for breathtaking scenery is closer than you think.

What subjects do you photograph near your home?

Further readings:

Finding Inspiration Near Home, Pacific County, Washington

Finding Peace in Pacific Northwest Nature

Exploring Eastern Washington Landscapes in Black and White

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