The New Year brings talk of fresh starts. But January can feel heavy, with its short days and dark skies. We make resolutions, then forget them. Spring is different. It’s a shift, slow but certain, a second chance.
The Beauty of Contrast
As a photographer, I’ve experienced spring in a special way. The fog rolling in from the coast, rain beading on ferns, and light cutting through the evergreens. These are the moments I live for. It’s a season of change and tension, and I’ve found that these contrasts make for some of the most interesting photographs.
Some days are enveloped in mist; others are filled with sunlight. Shadows stretch, and details sharpen. Black-and-white photography comes alive in these moments.
Seeing the Familiar with New Eyes
Spring isn’t about what’s new. It’s about looking again. I revisit old work. A photo I once ignored now stands out, revealing the intricate grain of tree bark, the meandering river carving through the stone, and the silent dance of clouds. It’s about seeing the familiar with fresh eyes and appreciating its beauty in a fresh light.
Spring isn’t always about starting over. It can be about seeing what was always there. In photography, this could mean discovering the beauty in everyday scenes or finding new perspectives on familiar subjects.
Where Are You Now?
The first quarter of the year is ending. Have your goals changed? Are there ideas you left behind?
Spring reminds us that change is inevitable. The world moves, and light shifts. You have another chance to capture what matters, redefine your goals, and embrace the opportunities that change brings. It’s a season of hope and motivation.
What does this season mean to you? I would love to hear from you.
Further Explorations:
Early Spring Visit to the Hamma Hamma River, Washington