A black and white landscape photograph of 6,337 foot Seymour Peak as viewed along the Naches Peak Loop trail near Chinook Pass, Washington.

The Enduring Majesty of Seymour Peak, Washington, 2022

Towering at an impressive 6,337 feet, Seymour Peak is a crowning jewel of the Washington Cascades. This black and white landscape photograph captures the mountain’s stoic beauty as seen from the Naches Peak Loop trail near Chinook Pass, Washington. The image showcases the contrast between the barren, rocky peak and the dark, forested slopes that…

A black and white photograph of the White River Patrol Cabin in Mt. Rainier National Park, Wsshington, The historic cabin was built in the late 1920s and is part of a series of patrol cabins linked by trails that helped the early rangers protect the park.

The White River Patrol Cabin, Mt Rainier National Park, Washington

Mount Rainier National Park is home to a network of historic patrol cabins. The cabins were crucial in the early days of the park’s establishment. The trail network linking the cabins enabled park rangers to reach remote areas. One of these stations is the White River Patrol Station, in the park’s northeast corner. History of…