Next to capturing photographs of landscapes and nature, I’m drawn to photographing architectural details of older buildings. I don’t do it as often as landscape photography, but I do have a fair amount of this genre of images in my collection.

I came across this photo while culling through my images for submission to a juried photography gallery show. Because of the quirkiness of the subject, it made the cut for a re-edit.

I found this scene back in 2011 when I was residing in Ellensburg, Washington. The location is on the backside of an old brick building that housed a beauty school.

I had driven by this building many times, as it was the usual route I drove my daughter back and forth to school on.

After dropping off my daughter at school on a late winter morning, I was driving by this old building when I noticed a row of wig heads in the window of this old building.

I’m unsure if they were cleaning or just had to temporarily store the wig heads on the window ledge, but it was the first time they came to my attention.

Of course, when I see something different within a window, I must stop and photograph it. Obviously, this fits the bill.

Within days, the wig heads of this photograph were gone from the window, off to be used in the training of future hair stylists.

EXIF: Nikon D700, Tokina AT-X Pro 2.8 28-80, ISO 800, 40 mm, f8, 1/350

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