The world’s oceans are awe-inspiring. They provide us with food, regulate our climate, and even produce a significant part of the air we breathe. But our oceans face unprecedented pollution, climate change, and overfishing threats.

This World Oceans Day, June 8th, is a chance for us to unite and show our support for our amazing oceans.

Did you know a staggering 17 million metric tons of plastic enter the world’s oceans yearly? That’s enough to fill a garbage truck every minute! This plastic pollution not only disfigures our coastlines but also entangles and kills countless marine animals.

Overfishing is another major threat. According to the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization, a shocking one-third of global fish stocks are now considered overfished. Imagine the silence of a coral reef devoid of the vibrant fish that once called it home.

So, what can we do? Here are a few ways to get involved:

World Oceans Day is a day to celebrate the ocean, but it’s also a day to act. Together, we can preserve our oceans’ breathtaking beauty and wonders for generations.

Further Readings:

Earth Day 2024: Planet vs. Plastics – Tackling Plastic Pollution

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